Source code for indicnlp.tokenize.indic_detokenize

#  Copyright (c) 2013-present, Anoop Kunchukuttan
#  All rights reserved.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

#Program for detokenizing Indian language input 
# @author Anoop Kunchukuttan 
De-tokenizer for Indian languages.

import string, re, sys
from indicnlp.common import IndicNlpException

## detokenizer patterns 
pat_la=re.compile(r'[ ](['+left_attach+r'])')

pat_ra=re.compile(r'(['+right_attach+r'])[ ]')

pat_lra=re.compile(r'[ ](['+lr_attach+r'])[ ]')


## date, numbers, section/article numbering
## TODO: handle indic numbers
pat_num_seq=re.compile(r'([0-9]+ [,.:/] )+[0-9]+')

### e-mail address
#pat_num=re.compile(ur'[a-zA-Z]+[ ]? 

[docs]def trivial_detokenize_indic(text): """detokenize string for Indian language scripts using Brahmi-derived scripts A trivial detokenizer which: - decides whether punctuation attaches to left/right or both - handles number sequences - handles quotes smartly (deciding left or right attachment) Args: text (str): tokenized text to process Returns: str: detokenized string """ s=text ### some normalizations #numbers and dates new_s='' prev=0 for m in pat_num_seq.finditer(s): start=m.start() end=m.end() if start>prev: new_s=new_s+s[prev:start] new_s=new_s+s[start:end].replace(' ','') prev=end new_s=new_s+s[prev:] s=new_s ### consective single quotes or backslashes become double quotes #s=s.replace("' '", "''") #s=s.replace("` `", '``') s=pat_lra.sub('\\1',s) s=pat_la.sub('\\1',s) s=pat_ra.sub('\\1',s) # assumes well formedness of quotes and alternates between right and left attach alt_attach='\'"`' for punc in alt_attach: cnt=0 out_str=[] for c in s: if c == punc: if cnt%2==0: out_str.append('@RA') else: out_str.append('@LA') cnt+=1 else: out_str.append(c) s=''.join(out_str).replace('@RA ',punc).replace(' @LA',punc ).replace('@RA',punc).replace('@LA',punc) return s
[docs]def trivial_detokenize(text,lang='hi'): """detokenize string for languages of the Indian subcontinent A trivial detokenizer which: - decides whether punctuation attaches to left/right or both - handles number sequences - handles quotes smartly (deciding left or right attachment) Args: text (str): tokenized text to process Returns: str: detokenized string Raises: IndicNlpException: If language is not supported """ return trivial_detokenize_indic(text)
# if __name__ == '__main__': # if len(sys.argv)<4: # print("Usage: python <infile> <outfile> <language>") # sys.exit(1) # with open(sys.argv[1],'r', encoding='utf-8') as ifile: # with open(sys.argv[2],'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile: # for line in ifile: # detokenized_line=trivial_detokenize(line,sys.argv[3]) # ofile.write(detokenized_line)